Modern Baybayin (MB17+)

Good day mga kaBaybayin! Presenting  the Modern Baybayin 17+ or MB17+! What is MB17+ or Modern Baybayin 17+? The MB17+ is a modern version of B17+. The goal of MB17+ is to simplify and make the modernization of Baybayin easy without compromising practicality by avoiding the addition of scripts/characters and taking advantage of diacritics insteadContinue reading “Modern Baybayin (MB17+)”

Versions of Baybayin (What to Learn First)

Good day mga kaBaybayan! I’ve been seeing a lot of questions by Baybayin beginners concerning which Baybayin to learn first. A lot are confused about the different shapes and versions out there. There are B17, B17+, and modern Baybayin like B18+ and beyond. I will differentiate some of them later. What Version to Learn SoContinue reading “Versions of Baybayin (What to Learn First)”

Understanding the Circle of Fifths

Whether you are a music student or someone who just loves music, chances are you have already stumbled upon this wheel with weird letters, numbers and symbols. The Circle of Fifths—or alternatively called Circle of Fourths—is one of the best tool that any great musician should have. Even DJs have their own version of theContinue reading “Understanding the Circle of Fifths”

Welcome! (First Post)

Welcome to my blog! This is my very first post in WordPress. My name is Jemierry, but you can call me by my nickname, JI 「J.I.」 (pronounced as Jay-Ai). This blog will be about anything under heat of the sun that I will find interesting to share, from personal reflections to information and tips on certainContinue reading “Welcome! (First Post)”

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